Endings. And beginnings...
The thing about endings is they’re not the end. Endings are followed by beginnings. Beginning a heavenly life, beginning a different version of an earthly life, beginning to forgive, beginning to be forgiven, beginning a job, beginning a garden, beginning a project…you get the drift. While some beginnings are easier than others, I’m learning, slowly, to embrace ‘em all.
My mom died this year. It was an ending I would never be prepared for…no matter how old she was. As a Public Service Announcement, here are a couple of things that, even though said with the best of intentions, didn’t feel particularly soothing at the moment. “She lived a good, long life” and “She’s in a better place”. While I know both of those statements to be true I #1, wanted her to live a longer life and #2, liked the place where she was.
No matter, reality is real and mom is gone from this world. It’s time for me to begin to walk around in it without her. Spoiler alert…I feel the hands of God through the outreached hands of my friends and family. You know who you are and I thank you.
That was a hard ending and beginning so next will be an easier one. Stay tuned.